Feedback & Complaints

Telephone triage system from Monday 25th September 2023

We would like to inform you of an important update regarding our services at Weatheroak Medical Practice which takes place from 25th September 2023.

As part of our commitment to providing the highest quality care, we will be implementing a telephone triage system which has been created by healthcare professionals, to ensure that all patient calls are effectively managed and directed to the most appropriate services, in accordance with NHS England guidance.

Telephone triage allows us to efficiently assess your medical needs and provide guidance on the next steps to take. Our experienced admin staff will ask you a series of questions to better understand your symptoms and concerns. Based on this information, they will then signpost you to the most suitable service, whether it is an appointment at our practice, a referral to clinical pharmacist, or advice on self-care or other services.

We understand that this change may feel unfamiliar, but please be assured that it is aimed at enhancing the quality and efficiency of our services. By utilizing telephone triage, we can allocate our resources effectively, reduce waiting times, and ensure that patients receive the appropriate care in a timely manner.

We kindly request your patience and cooperation. Our dedicated team will do their best to accommodate your needs and provide the necessary support and guidance.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we strive to deliver the best possible care to all our patients. We value your trust and remain committed to your well-being.

NHS Friends and Family

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